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Tony Spriggs

It is with very heavy hearts we report that all of us here at Choose Leisure are coming to terms with the loss of Tony Spriggs, our workshop manager. He died on August Bank Holiday Monday 2021 having fought sudden and complex illness since May.

At the time Tony joined us, back in early 2017, we had been looking for a mechanic for a long time but just couldn’t find the right person. However, when Paul met Tony, he felt he was an ‘old school, proper sort’. In fact, on learning that his son, James (pictured left), was being made redundant at the same time, offered them both a job on the spot. Tony’s other son, Curtis, joined us a few months later as a trainee and is now one of our top habitation technicians. And, more recently, his daughter, Lacey, joined our parts department.

Those early instincts proved true many times. Apart from his outstanding ability as a mechanic and problem solver, Tony possessed a work ethic and moral compass rarely found these days. He was a true gent with twinkly eyes and a ready smile, who loved to chat! He cared.

Hardly surprising then, that he and his remarkable wife, Susan, brought up three talented, hard-working and thoroughly likeable kids who now, as adults, we are proud to have as part of our team.

Tony, a big man with a big heart who was a big part of this company for four and a half years. He is sorely missed.