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A Message from the Owners, Paul & Jenny Santos….

Well what a year 2020 was! 

BUT…..what an amazing industry we’re in!!

From the bottom of our hearts we would like to say ”THANK YOU” to all our repeat customers for your continued support and loyalty; “THANK YOU” to the seemingly legions of new customers for choosing us to supply you with your upgraded or first motorhome; and “THANK YOU” all for your patience with our preparation, service and warranty department, who have had to deal with twice the work in half the time. At its height, we had a constant 80 or so motorhomes queuing to go through the workshops.

It truly has been astounding how many people have bought motorhomes for the first time this year. Eight out of ten motorhomes we’ve sold since coming out of the first lockdown haven’t had a part exchange. This has been reflected around the country so there has, consequently, been a growing shortage of stock. Thankfully, we have a number of pre-owned suppliers who keep topping us up and the manufacturers have started delivering our 2021 models. Our thanks go out to them too, as well as all our other suppliers who have worked within the new challenges to continue to support us on a daily basis.

All the signs are that demand is going to be just as high in 2021, as people continue to choose to travel in this country. The February NEC has been cancelled, as was the October show, so if you want to be taking delivery before the holiday season starts, orders need placing now. Our sales department will be open between Christmas and New Year (please check out dates and times before you travel) and if there’s a specific motorhome you’re interested in we recommend you phone and reserve it before you set out. We really could have sold most of our motorhomes twice this year! 

Lastly, to all our staff - the year could not have turned out to be the success it has without your hard work, flexibility and resilience. Out of adversity comes greatness and you have been great. Get some rest over Christmas, ‘cos we’ve got to do it all again in the New Year :-)

So, with all that said, have a fabulous festive season, cross fingers for a normal new year, stay safe, stay in, go out, but only for a bit and in your bubble if it’s Christmas, or if it’s for exercise or work, unless you can work from home. Stay in your Tier, unless you’re crossing a different Tier to get to the same Tier, but don’t stop for a wee unless you’re clever enough to own a motorhome of course!

We look forward to seeing you in 2021.

Best wishes

Paul & Jenny