September's here and the weather is still as changeable as it has been all summer. One day, glorious sunshine, the next it's endless rain and cloud. This makes investing in a UK holiday tricky - booking up to a year in advance, with no idea what the weather will be like when the time comes, could end disappointingly.

Two weeks on the beach overseas are great but airport delays have been the topic of summer and what's a holiday with the stress of plans changing last minute beyond your control? Plus, we love the UK: The British coastline, our cities, lakes and mountains, and sometimes even the weather. We love the comfort of being in our home country where we can walk the dog, eat brilliant food, make new friends and meet old ones.

Here's where motorhoming really comes into its own, and those of us already living the lifestyle are winning. We can seize the sunshine at a moment's notice and follow wherever it goes. We can avoid fluctuating costs, airport delays, end-of-holiday stress and pre-holiday money-saving. With a motorhome, there's no need to wait a year for your next holiday, with your fingers crossed for sunshine. Whenever the forecast is good, the open road is yours for the taking.